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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 1-Reference / Apple Literature Guide / TIFFS / M3008⁄B [4] (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1989-04-24  |  59KB  |  2544x3300
Labels: dialog box | sky | window
OCR: LaserWriter JINTX Appk Coouter Inc 20525 Mariani Avenue 1 Co ppke hAppk lg ApakTalli IrwritC dM Cupertiny CA 95014 brademins are registurex qrkux: nky j AckCout [ablo eged Appl Daktop dumademarkc Bus XIELCXOT 1nd Nultitnder are Letvetica (408) 996- 1010 NHcvetica Nao Palatino. An lies are regiserevi tradetrarks cuf LinH}Tx Comparry. . 11: vant TLX: 171-576 n:ematinal CiandeGthic TC L Tyefare Sorpnration kman . JTC ZfChan TiscrJrr Pls cery: and ITC. Zapf 1inglats resthrador registere: ki Marrcda wegineredtd kMaCopli.M regsleed Inndeours ul MiuTeexal Conxcaiun PusKtT.: and CAERI are regastereu trademarks ox UNTS is a registered AT&T nrme hion Syare: Jan:iary 19 Prelucr spociticarirms arcsuhiaiocwang MO Laser Writer IINTX Computer Cupertin